is a registered company that supplies Industrial Spare parts.
in the field of electrical and mechanical spare parts.
saving your time by offering you complete solution.
We make our prices not only reasonable but also competitive.
Is a registered company that supplies Industrial Spare parts. GDT is a professional company in the field of electrical and mechanical spare parts. Our team will save your time and money , saving your time by offering you complete solution for any spare parts or complete machine you are looking for , also saving your money by assuring the best price as we apply minimum overhead for our services .
We provide mechanical spare parts service from all international brands and ensure quality and efficiency Genuine spare parts from companies guarantee manufacturers of the product.
We provide electrical spare parts service from all international brands and ensure quality and efficiency Genuine spare parts from companies guarantee manufacturers of the product..
Our Scope of supply is very huge, as we have very strong connections with most European countries manufactures, also we have a good contact with some manufactures in USA, China and Japan.